Pre-Launch Site

Watch this space for the TalkItOut Platform

請密切留意 TalkItOut 平台的最新動態

TalkItOut is launching its platform!

TalkItOut 平台即將推出

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of TalkItOut, Hong Kong's very first LGBTQ+ affirmative counselling platform! This innovative online space is designed to connect mental health practitioners—counsellors, psychologists, and social workers—dedicated to providing LGBTQ+ affirmative services with clients seeking support. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment where everyone can find the help they need.

香港首個肯定多元性別和性傾向心理健康服務平台 TalkItOut 即將啟動!這個創新的網上平台旨在連結致力於提供 LGBTQ+ 肯定服務的精神健康專業人士(包括輔導員、心理學家及社工)與有需要使用這些服務的人。我們的使命是創造一個歡迎所有人的空間,讓每個人都能找到所需的幫助。

TalkItOut Mission

TalkItOut Mission

TalkItOut 的使命

TalkItOut ’s mission is to enhance the accessibility of LGBTQ+ affirmative professional counselling services to individuals in Hong Kong, empowering them to live an authentic and meaningful life.

TalkItOut 旨在提高香港多元性別認同和性傾向社群獲得肯定式精神健康服務的機會,賦予他們力量,活出真實的自己及有意義的人生。

Why affirmative practice?


Well, it’s essential given the unique experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals, shaped by factors like minority stress. This stress model reminds us that external pressures—like discrimination—and internal struggles, such as internalised stigma, can take a toll on mental health. By understanding this, we can help clients build resilience and navigate their identities more comfortably.

Our platform invites professionals to evaluate their ability to practice in an LGBTQ+ affirmative manner using a clear set of criteria. Once registered, therapists can create profiles that clients can easily browse through, filtering by gender, specialty, modality, location, language, and price. This way, prospective clients can find a therapist who they are more likely to start counselling sessions with!

這是必要的,因為 LGBTQ+ 社群有其獨特的經歷,且受到小眾壓力等因素影響。小眾壓力模型提醒我們,外在壓力(如歧視)和內在掙扎(如內化污名)會對心理健康造成損害。透過理解這些因素,我們可以協助服務使用者建立韌性,更自在地探索自己的身份。



A Bilingual Resource for All

We are committed to serving the diverse LGBTQ+ communities in Hong Kong with a fully bilingual platform. TalkItOut will regularly share valuable content, including articles, interviews, and videos that address mental health topics relevant to the queer community. By providing this information, we aim to foster understanding and support while directing traffic to our website and Instagram page.

我們致力於透過完全雙語的平台,服務香港多元的 LGBTQ+社群。TalkItOut 將定期分享相關的心理健康文章、訪談和影片。透過分享這些資訊,我們旨在促進對LGBTQ+ 的理解和支持,同時吸引更多人到訪我們的網站和 Instagram。



Not Competition

It’s important to note that TalkItOut is not a mental health clinic and does not provide counselling services. We are here to complement the existing support systems in Hong Kong, not compete with them. We welcome and encourage other organisations to be listed on our site, as our primary goal is to facilitate connections between clients and affirmative therapists, while also helping to destigmatise mental health support within the LGBTQ+ community.

TalkItOut 不是心理健康診所,也不提供輔導服務。我們旨在豐富和連結現有的支援服務,而非製造競爭。我們歡迎並鼓勵其他組織加入我們的網站,促進服務使用者與肯定多元性別和性傾向的精神健康專業人士之間的聯繫,同時幫助消除 LGBTQ+ 社群內對尋求心理健康支持的污名。

Join Us in Making a Difference!


TalkItOut 是一個初創非政府組織,我們邀請LGBTQ+社群的所有成員以及盟友們參與這項創舉。我們需要社交媒體、廣告、文案和法律諮詢等領域的義工。此外,我們鼓勵精神健康服務提供者在平台正式啟動時註冊,在初創期間註冊費用全免。

As a startup NGO, TalkItOut is excited to embark on this journey, and we invite all members of the LGBTQ+ community, along with our allies, to get involved in this groundbreaking initiative. We are actively seeking volunteers in areas such as social media, advertising, copywriting, and legal advice. Additionally, we encourage therapists to register their profiles at launch—there will be no charge during this startup phase!

Your Voice Matters!


We also want to hear from prospective clients within the diverse LGBTQ+ communities. Your insights will be invaluable in shaping our services to ensure they are meaningful and effective.

If you’re ready to be part of this exciting new chapter, please sign up using the form below. Together, we can create a supportive and affirming space for everyone in Hong Kong!

我們希望聽到來自不同 LGBTQ+ 社群的潛在用戶的意見,以幫助我們設計這個平台。
